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  IIDM’s most recent Gemini Program graduates deployed in October as Sales Engineers in Houston, Oklahoma City and Chicago. Previous Gemini grads also are serving as Sales and Field Application Engineers in Dallas, Chicago and Austin branches. The success of those engineering graduates combined with a healthy business outlook led IIDM to go full-ahead on...

  It was Aug. 10, 2012, date of the largest donut drop by Innovative-IDM to any customer. Klent Prewitt picked up the 40+ dozen donuts for delivery to MultiCam. The event was in recognition of the 100,000 other donuts we had delivered there since Gene Gray first started the weekly tradition in 2000 as an...

When asked about how the CIA got its name, Ernie said: “There was a naming contest in February 2013. The contest was to come up with a name for a new volunteer group that would continually improve the culture of the company. I took clues from the email: Culture/improvement. [The email] originally had used the...