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Memorial Day 2019, Remembering the Fallen

May 30, 2022byPepper Hastings0

Graves at Arlington National Cemetary

The Springtime tribute to those fallen in battle, now known as Memorial Day, has been around since the Civil War era. In 1868, Union Major General James A. Logan declared May 30th as Decoration Day – the words in his order for military posts to decorate graves still ring true today:

“We should guard their graves with sacred vigilance. … Let pleasant paths invite the coming and going of reverent visitors and fond mourners. Let no neglect, no ravages of time, testify to the present or to the coming generations that we have forgotten as a people the cost of a free and undivided republic.”

3 p.m. on Memorial Day is the National Moment of Remembrance – take a minute today to remember those who have fought and died in defense of our freedom.

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